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02.22.2022 21:38 PM
The James Webb Space Telescope of NASA may be able to detect extraterrestrial civilisations based on their planets' air pollution.
02.22.2022 20:06 PM
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will explore the Milky Way's strangely flashing entity at its core that changes it pattern of light every hour. Check it out!
02.22.2022 07:30 AM
Last Friday night, February 18, residents reported a bright and long-lasting fireball racing across the Colorado sky that was caught on video and was shared on the internet.
02.22.2022 05:58 AM
The Northrop Grumman supply freighter has been captured by the International Space Station's robotic arm, which is controlled by astronaut Raja Chari.
02.22.2022 03:24 AM
The Sun posed a significant problem to Elon Musk's SpaceX company as it decreased Starlink satellites' chances of reaching their destination.
02.22.2022 02:32 AM
Scientists believed that the Earth is smart and has learned how to maintain itself by linking the non-living systems — air, water and land.
02.22.2022 02:26 AM
China said the rocket debris that will hit the moon in March is not from the Chang'e-5 T1 mission, which launched in 2014.
02.21.2022 22:38 PM
Elon Musk's SpaceX launched another set of Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral to replace the 40 devices damaged by a geomagnetic storm.
02.21.2022 22:27 PM
The weather on this scorching hot exoplanet known as Wasp-121B, according to researchers, is definitely out of this world.
02.21.2022 11:11 AM
Experts report a massive explosion on the far side of the sun which generated one of the largest coronal mass ejection in Earth's recent history.
02.21.2022 02:05 AM
NASA astronaut John Glenn launched a small capsule dubbed Friendship 7 from Florida's Cape Canaveral six decades ago today.
02.21.2022 01:34 AM
European Space Agency and NASA, which jointly manage the Solar Orbiter mission, revealed an image and video from the satellite observations depicting the greatest solar prominence outburst yet seen.
02.20.2022 22:46 PM
The NASA NOAA GOES-T satellite is set to launch on Tuesday, March 1 at 4:38 p.m. ET. Meteorologists have a new gadget to monitor the atmosphere over the United States.
02.20.2022 22:02 PM
Proxima d, a new rocky but light-weight exoplanet found orbiting within Proxima Centauri, is too hot to be inhabited.
02.20.2022 19:31 PM
On Presidents' Day 2022, SpaceX will launch over 40 Starlink satellites and recover the return rocket.
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