During its first anniversary on Mars, NASA's Perseverance rover learnt how to run on its own! The NASA Perseverance Rover recently learned how to run on its own after marking its arrival on Mars one-year anniversary.
After pointing its fine-guidance instruments in the right directions, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope successfully caught 18 unfocused replicas of a single star.
SpaceWeatherLive, which tracks the activity of the solar system recently reported that the Sun has been erupting every day since the beginning of February.
An asteroid having not one, not two, but three moons has been identified by a researcher. Astronomers found the first known quadruple (technically a quaternary) asteroid containing three moons: 130 Elektra.
NASA and other space agencies are eyeing electric car technology as they partner with car manufacturers to retrofit commercial vehicles for future space missions to the Moon and Mars.
The Psyche asteroid, which was formerly estimated to be rich of iron, nickel, and gold and valued $10,000 quadrillon, may be more hard rock than heavy metal.
The Progress 80 freighter, a Russian cargo spacecraft arrived early morning today at the International Space Station delivering almost three tons of equipment and supplies to the orbiting lab.
A newly published scientific study summarizes how a giant laser array could be used to push a spacecraft to the Red Planet in a shorter period of only 45 days. The enormous laser beam shoots from Earth's surface to blast a spacecraft to an ultra-high-speed and delivers it traveling to Mars' surface in just a little more than one month.
Experts hope that the new trans-Neptunian object called 2021 XD7, which takes 286 years to complete one revolution around the Sun, could help in the search for the Planet Nine in the Solar solar System.