SPACEThe longest near-total lunar eclipse for the last 600 years lasted for roughly 6 hours and the netizens were so delighted they shared various photos on social media.
Astra will deploy their Launch Vehicle 0007 this Saturday in an attempt to reach the orbit for the first time. Livestream of the launch is available for viewing.
NASA is preparing to launch the first anti-asteroid defense spacecraft this November 24 in preparation for a future asteroid collision that is a threat to Earth.
The 120-day isolation test, Project Sirius that's being carried out in Russia is seeking to examine the autonomous behaviors of the so-called future Martian settlers.
Once the light hits, then, bounces off something, it is the atmosphere that's allowing the "scattering," and the capability of seeing colors in the spectrum seen by the eyes, making the sky blue, and the space black.
The astronauts from Expedition 66 were alerted and told by NASA to hide in their bunkers due to incoming space debris following the Russian anti-satellite test.
Could life survive around the nearest stars? This project aims to find out. (Photo : Rubenstein ) Simulated image of the Alpha Centauri system, as could be viewed by the TOLIMAN telescope.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration said the Mars Perseverance Rover has successfully obtained the 3rd rock sample containing the mineral olivine.