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11.11.2021 23:15 PM
NASA has released a stunning movie depicting what will happen when the DAVINCI probe lands on Venus in the early 2030s.
11.11.2021 21:57 PM
The Leonid meteor shower will peak late on November 16 and early on November 17, but it will continue to be active until November 30.
11.11.2021 21:05 PM
The night sky over eastern North Carolina was lighted up by an extremely spectacular flare from a SpaceX Crew-3 launch going at 33,000 mph.
11.11.2021 20:32 PM
The partial lunar eclipse happening on November 19 has been reported to be the longest occurrence of its kind in almost 600 years.
11.11.2021 01:58 AM
To avoid hitting a space junk from a 2007 Chinese satellite, the International Space Station recently completed an engine burn maneuver and fired a rocket.
11.11.2021 01:46 AM
For the first time, astronomers have detected gamma rays emanating from ultra-fast outflows coming from several nearby galaxies that may provide answers on how Milky Way came about.
11.10.2021 23:42 PM
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, said how Crew-2 astronauts leaving the International Space Station blew his mind.
11.10.2021 22:57 PM
SpaceX has sent four humans to the International Space Station, bringing the total number of space travelers to 600 after many years of flying.
11.10.2021 22:30 PM
A massive asteroid similar to the size of Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made building on this planet is heading for this planet as shown in the asteroid tracker of NASA.
11.10.2021 22:19 PM
The Northern Taurid meteor shower is at its peak on Thursday, November 11 through Friday, November 12, and will last through December 2.
11.10.2021 21:41 PM
NASA’s Crew-3 astronauts will stay in orbit until April 2022. They are scheduled to arrive at the International Space Station on Thursday evening.
11.10.2021 20:58 PM
A partial lunar eclipse is set to happen in the early morning on November 19, 2021, which will be the last lunar eclipse this year. But not everyone will be able to see it. Here are the places and best time to watch it.
11.10.2021 00:03 AM
After engineers partially restored the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the optical equipment took a picture of the supernova remnant DEM L249.
11.09.2021 22:42 PM
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has chosen to push the Artemis program's goal date back from 2024 to 2025.
11.09.2021 21:52 PM
The SpaceX Crew Dragon spaceship carrying four NASA astronauts splashed down off the coast of Florida, bringing their six-month stint in International Space Station to a close.
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