Dark Matter Detector Observes Radioactive Decay of Xenon-124

A process that takes more than one trillion years, the age of the universe has been measured by researchers. The researchers used an instrument that is built to search for black matter (the most elusive particle that’s known to man!). An international team from the XENON Collaboration made public their observation of the radioactive decay of a substance that is called xenon-124, a form of isotope, of the element xenon – a colorless, dense but odorless noble gas that’s found in trace on the Earth’s atmosphere.

Climate Crisis Gets Satellite Help For Monitoring

Power companies all over the world are downplaying their reports concerning the air pollution contribution their production has been making, the satellite monitoring might help put an end to this secrecy.

Lunarquakes Detected as the Moon Shrivels and Shrinks

The Moon is shrinking as its interiors cooled down over the last several hundred million years. (Photo : CBS News) "thrust faults"on the moon (Screenshot taken from video "NASA says the moon is shrinking and experiencing "moonquakes") Scientists have observed that the moon has started to shrink as its interior started to cool down.

Moonquakes: The Cause of the Moon’s Shrinking

Scientists discover the reason for the shrinking of the moon through lunar data Researchers revisited moonquake data gathered by the Apollo lunar missions during 1969-1977.

SpaceX to Launch Its First 60 Internet-Providing Satellites

SpaceX plans a constellation of satellites that could eventually total 12,000. SpaceX plans to provide the entire world with affordable broadband internet and they are closer than you think to accomplish that goal.

Space Mining Could Ruin Our Solar System, Researchers Warn

The solar system could be depleted of its iron, water and other resources The government has been passing laws regarding the protection of the Earth's most vulnerable places from the ravages of different industries, but a new study suggests that our planet is not the only one that needs protecting from human exploitation.

NASA Announces Plans to Put a Woman on the Moon in 2024

There will be a seat on the 2024 lunar mission specially reserved for a woman. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepherd, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke Jr.

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