EmDrive, the physics-defying contraption ostensibly produces thrust, no fuel required. Spaceflight is hard. Blasting heavy cargo, spacecraft, and maybe people to respectable speeds over interplanetary distances requires an amount of propellant too massive for current rockets to haul into the void.
Something weird is at work on the cold, dark plains of Pluto, where hundreds of regularly spaced ridges look a bit like an alien thumbprint pressed into extraterrestrial ice. Today, though, researchers report in the journal Science that the strange landscape is actually a dune field crafted from methane "sand."
The agency is launching its newest venture into space. This time, they are looking at a solar exploration where they are to send space rovers in many parts of the solar system to collect data. Particularly, they will be sending spacecraft to the moon, Saturn and the red planet.
Ahead of the rotorcraft landing on Titan, SMU chemists will be recreating the conditions on Titan in multiple glass cylinders, each the size of a needle top, so they can learn about what kind of chemical structures could form on the surface of Titan
The massive quantities of gold, iron and nickel contained in this asteroid are mind-blowing. Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals.
In 2018, a mystery in the field of extragalactic astrophysics has been revealed and it woke up the curious mind. The study was published in the journal Nature and it has since then paved the way for more studies about it to be conducted.