SPACEThe reusability of Falcon 9 is billed as ‘a huge revolution in spaceflight’ by the CEO of SpaceX. The private space company plans to operate rockets commercially, just like any other passenger airliner.
NASA designing a special spacecraft named Solar Probe Plus to unveil the mysteries of solar flares. this spacecraft will not only monitor the Sun closely but also warn scientists for the future solar storm event.
A group of astronomers from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics or CFA developed a cosmic simulation. This simulation may presume the possible future of the moon of the exoplanetary system around a dwarf star.
NASA pulled off a scientific double play in Hawaii this winter, using the same instruments and aircraft to study both volcanoes and coral reefs. Besides helping scientists understand these two unique environments better, the data will be used to evaluate the possibility of preparing a potential future NASA satellite that would monitor ecosystem changes and natural hazards.
NASA scientists found Earth-like waves on Sun that could predict space weather. Between 2011 and 2014 NASA launched three satellites to scan the Sun in every direction.
European Space Agency (ESA) has now doubled their efforts on Mars mission in 2020 after the failed mission of Schiaparelli lander last year. Half a billion Euros are now been poured by ESA to be dedicated to the next phase of the Exomars 2020 program.
After a plan for Europa, NASA wants to explore the Saturn's largest moon Titan to know it better. Tital has the thickest and poisonous atmosphere compared to other moons and planets.
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research scientists found a new binary star system named PDS 11. advance spectrometer of Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) detected that it is containing two stars: PDS 11A and PDS 11B and these two stars are almost 371 to 427 light years away from each other.
Cosmic convention or cosmic arrangement is also defined by a Galaxy formation. After the post-Big Bang period, the high-density and the high-temperature state expanded and formed this endless Universe.
NASA has selected a science mission that will untangle the complexities of the interstellar medium, and map out large sections of the plane of our Milky Way galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud.