The Biggest Mystery Of The Entire Universe: What The Dark Matter Really Is

New observations from ESO's Very Large Telescope have revealed that the outer parts of massive disc galaxies 10 billion years ago were rotating less quickly than the spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, that we see today. This ESOcast Light summarizes the important points of this discovery and the significance of the dark matter, and how it is distributed.

Trump & Pence Plans To Open National Space Council

Trump And Pence have announced that they are planning to open National Space Council. After signing the bill giving NASA billions of money to bring astronauts to Mars, Trump administration is now planning on opening the National Space Council again.

Pluto To Be Restored Back As Planet

Several scientists have come up with a campaign to restore Pluto's former identity with a new proposed definition for 'planets'.

NASA To Bring PUFFER Robot In Next Space Flight

NASA is testing the new foldable robot, PUFFER to bring it in the next rover to Mars. NASA's new foldable robot PUFFER or Pop-Up Flat Folding Explorer Robot is only as small as a person's hand.

Trump Signs Bill Sending People To Mars In 2030

Trump has signed a bill that will fund NASA into sending people to Mars in 2030. Trump has officially signed a bill that will fund NASA billions of dollars so that they can explore Mars.

Planet Mars May Develop Rings Similar To Saturn - NASA

Mars had rings before and it may have one again in the future as moon Phobos nears Roche limit. The NASA believes that planet Mars had rings at one point and it is possible for the red planet to have them back someday.

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