Tags: Behavior

Understanding the Psychology of Relationships During the Pandemic

Understanding the Psychology of Relationships During the Pandemic

Healthy relationships are essential to our well-being but are facing a lot of challenges during the pandemic such as physical distancing. Several experts explain the psychology of our relationships, social networks, and coping with the current pandemic.
The Fine Line Between Productivity and Addiction

The Fine Line Between Productivity and Addiction

Addiction to productivity causes hyper-focus on the present while failing to see the bigger picture - compulsive behavior, lost relationships, and bad health. Through time, intervention, and therapy, workaholics can avoid and recover from the 'mixed-blessing addiction.'
Study on Banded Mongoose Presents How its Environment Influences the Spread of Infectious Disease

Mongoose Study Helps Determine How Infectious Diseases Spread

Through observation on banded mongoose populace across several environments in Botswana, the team of researchers was able to obtain insight into how in which type of and behavior of animals interact to affect the spread of "novel tuberculosis pathogen" transmitted employing "olfactory communication behaviors."
Technology during mealtimes

Impacts of Technology During Mealtime

A study found that when a person is distracted by technology during breakfast, lunch or dinner, it may decrease his food intake. In this particular research, 119 young adults participated, consuming a meal as they played an easy 15-minute computer game.

In Chimpanzee Sexual Selection, Nice Guys Finish Last

Behavioral studies of our close relatives the chimpanzee often reveal origins of what we believe to be distinctly “human” interactions. Grooming behavior, child rearing and even gang formation have all been identified in chimpanzee populations, but in a recent study conducted in Tanzania, researchers from Arizona State University say that they may have found the origins or far more disturbing behavior—bullying and male-on-female violence.
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