Tags: Brain

Largest, Most Complex Insect's Brain Map Ever Made Shows Neural Connection

Sick With the Flu? Scientists Find Throat Neurons That Detect Infection Signs, Alert the Brain
Does Truth Serum Work? Here's How These Mind-Altering Drugs Manipulate Your Brain

Organoid Intelligence Computer That Uses Lab-Grown Organs Could Be Developed Soon, Scientists Say

How Do Octopus Brains Control Their Behavior? Scientists Successfully Recorded Their Brain Waves While Moving

Camouflage Mysteries: Brain Map Sheds Light on This Unique Ability
Spinosaurus Brain Recreated; Theropod Dinosaur Ancestors Have Less Developed Olfactory Bulbs, 'Non-Specialized' Brains

Is Swimming in Cold Water Good For Your Brain and Mental Health? These MRI Scans Say So
Human Brain Organoids Integrated Into Rats to Repair Injuries in Their Visual Processing Systems

Music Therapy for Stress, Anxiety, Depression? Playing Piano Improves Mood, Enhances Cognitive Operation [STUDY]

Oldest Fossilized Vertebrate Brain Has Been Hiding Inside a Fossil Fish Skull for 319 Million Years

Being Stuck in Traffic For Just 2 Hours Could Cause Decreased Brain Function [STUDY]

Obesity May Lead to Cognitive Decline That Mirrors Alzheimer's Disease; Can Weight Loss Make a Difference?

How Can Blood Test Predict Alzheimer's Disease Risk? Scientists Looked at Changes in Neurogenesis Prior to Clinical Diagnosis

Brain's 'Zone of Uncertainty' Could Be Working With Neocortex To Manage Memory Formation

Silent Synapses Abound in Adult Brain, Study Says
New Device That Uses Vortex Ultrasound Breaks Down Blood Clots Better Than Existing Techniques
2-Hour Exposure to Traffic Pollution Decreases Brain's Functional Connectivity, Study Says

Nasal Spray Could Help Deliver Antibodies That Heal Stroke-like Damage in the Brain, Study Suggests

'Focused Ultrasound' Neurosurgery Treats Essential Tremor Using Light Beams Without Brain Incisions
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

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