MEDICINE & HEALTHThe scientists compared the brain scans of German and Arabic native speakers to see if one's native language affected brain connections. Read to learn more.
Researchers constructed the most sophisticated brain map of an insect to date, a milestone breakthrough in neuroscience that moves scientists closer to a genuine grasp of the mechanics of cognition. Read the article to learn more.
Experts believe that the next computing stage is organoid intelligence in which lab-grown tissues will be inserted into a computer to make it think like humans. Read the article to learn more details.
Researchers said that brain organoids, which are clumps of lab-grown neurons, may integrate with rat brains and respond to visual stimuli. Read the article to learn more details.
The fossilized skull of the ancient fish, which swam in an estuary 319 million years ago, may hold the secrets of animal brain evolution. Check it out in this article to learn more.
By observing cortical thinning in different patient groups, researchers have discovered that obesity could lead to neurodegeneration that is similar to Alzheimer's Disease. Read to know more.
Scientists developed a novel blood test that could detect Alzheimer's disease 3.5 years before a diagnosis. Check it out in this article to know how it works.
While not much is known about the brain's zone of uncertainty, it has been seen to be interestingly involved in learning and memory formation. Read to know more.
Existing treatments for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) use drugs to dissolve blood clots, but the new device uses vortex ultrasound to eliminate them. Read the article to learn more about them.
Antibodies sprayed into the nostrils of rats resulted in healing brain damage from stroke, which may be due to the drug passing through the nerves. Read the article to learn more.
A new treatment for essential tremor uses light beams and leaves no surgery incisions, introducing the focused ultrasound neurosurgery. Read on to know more about this news!