The researchers were shocked to find microplastics present in every organ of the mouse models after just three weeks of ingesting microplastic-treated water. Read to learn more.
Studies have shown that older adults who are more isolated are at a greater risk of shrinking their brain volume and declining their cognitive performance. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Brain training apps have been gaining popularity recently, but do they work? Read to find out. Brain training apps have been rising in popularity, as they can easily be accessed in app stores.
A young woman experienced stroke symptoms after riding a fast-spinning ride in a local amusement park. Continue reading to learn more about this rare medical case.
The novel device serves as proof of the principle that brain waves during sleep could be a digital biomarker for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease. Read to learn more.
Researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered the potential of platelets in replicating the benefits of exercise in the brain. Find out more about it in this article.
Those who listened to Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1)" were able to reconstruct the music in their brain. Continue reading to learn how they did it.
A study in monkeys reveals that an experimental gene therapy injected into their brains dramatically curbed their cravings for alcohol. Learn more about it in this article.
Experts have discovered a new type of quantum material which exhibits non-local behavior that mimics the functions of the brain. Learn more about it in this article.
Scientists have discovered the remarkable ability of a group of nerve cells to completely stop movement in the body, even breathing. Learn more about them in this article.
Discovery of the misregulated brain protein linked to age-related cognitive decline holds the potential for interventions to combat memory impairment. Read the article to learn more.
Australian researchers secure over $600,000 in federal funding to integrate human brain cells with AI, led by Monash University and Cortical Labs. Read the article to learn more about the research.
Curly hair in early humans offered protection from the sun's heat, conserved water, and potentially facilitated brain growth. Continue reading to learn more.
A new study shows a link between limited social contact and brain volume loss, particularly in dementia-affected areas. Continue reading to learn more.
Lonely people's brains work differently from their peers. Continue reading to learn more. Being misunderstood often leaves one to feeling lonely. A new study suggests that the brain of sad individuals works differently from their peers, which may have contributed to their feeling of being isolated.