Medicine & TechnologyThe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory research team investigated adsorption cooling system, which they believed could offer significant energy savings. Continue reading to know more about the energy saving cooling system.
For the first time, scientists from the ALPHA collaboration at CERN reported successfully manipulating antimatter using a laser system - potentially changing antimatter research and guide future experiments on the field.
Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have managed to create a smaller version of the optical components that can cool atoms down close to absolute zero - a few thousandths of a degree from 0 Kelvins.
A recent study that involved vacuum-cleaning air intake grills of shipping containers at the Port of Savannah, Georgia, revealed the presence of stowaway seeds.
Scientists have developed a new method in which SNSPD’s will have no liquid helium system for cooling but still, they will be extremely cooled. The required level of cooling will be achieved with this new method.