Tags: Dogs

Free Apps All Dog Owners Should Download On Their Phones

For dog lovers, pleasing their beloved pet is the number one goal. Aside from the traditional way of training and playing with them, there are applications that will make your life easier and will keep your god healthy and happy.

Dogs Know Whether or Not to Trust Humans, Says Science

This experiment either proves that dogs can spot a liar or that dogs have major trust issues. Dogs can smell fear, but can they sniff out the truth? Your dog might actually be smarter than you're giving it credit for.

'Pet-Directed Speech' Used By Women To Talk With Their Dog

Like mothers, the study proved that it is best when women speak baby talk to their dog, just like how mother communicate with their newborn. Also, the use of verbal and non-verbal tricks and the intended function of vocal utterances provide dogs with information about their intentions and emotions.

Dogs' Cancer Cases Help Advance Human Cancer Research

For a long time, dogs have become man's best friend. With the rise of "comparative oncology", the bond between humans and their dogs are going beyond friendship. Comparative oncology allows researchers to study the similarities between humans and dogs in order to cure some of the world's tricky illnesses such as cancer.

Dogs Are ‘Copycats’ After All

A new study came out that dogs have the ability to copy their fellow canine's emotions. Dogs are often referred to as the 'man's best friend.

Dogs Can Discriminate Emotional Expressions of Human Faces

Researchers have shown that dogs are able to distinguish between happy and angry human faces. A group of cognitive neuroscientists have shown conclusively that dogs are able to differentiate between happy and sad human faces.
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