ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists recently came out with a warning that by 2500, if humans don't act to save the planet, it will be alien to them as a result of long-term environmental impacts.
Melting polar ice caps does not only shift ocean levels but is also changing the Earth itself by shifting its position horizontally. Researchers believe this could be a potential new way of monitoring ice mass.
Virginia Tech team thinks it can help NASA bring water on moon and Mars to Earth by making prototypes that extracts and harvest the most water samples from the planets.
New scientific evidence suggests that a blast from a meteor impact destroyed an ancient Middle Eastern city around 3,600 years ago. Researchers believe that this might have inspired the biblical story of Sodom.
According to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service of the European Union, the ozone hole that's forming every year over the South Pole is presently larger compared to the size of entire Antarctica, the continent over which it is appearing.
Astronomers believe that the so-called Supernova Requiem will explode in 2037. Astronomers estimate that flashes from an exploding star 10 billion light-years distant will be visible from Earth around 2037.
A real estate company and a 3D designer bring architect Chris Lawson's sketches to life as he reimagines four types of future homes, whether it may be on land, air, water, or a post-apocalyptic version.
Researchers from Arizona State University characterized different bacterial populations in the International Space Station's drinking water. Understanding how microbial life survives in microgravity will help future space missions.
South Korea aims to develop space defense capabilities after the U.S. lifted its restrictions in rocket development, hoping to catch up with the commercial space sector.
Geomagnetic storm watches have been issued for September 1 and 2. These storms are considered 'minor' and 'moderate.' Beautiful auroras can be seen in high-latitude areas.
Planet Nine's orbit has been discovered, and its route around the sun has been plotted by new research. The planet is estimated to have a mass of 6.2 times that of the Earth and is 300 AU from the sun.
The Greek god Cronos had a horrifying reputation for eating his own children. In the same way, researchers found that some Sun-like stars gobble up their planets.
Experts said that deflecting an asteroid, such as 101955 Bennu, could require multiple bumps from a massive human-made deflection device to prevent it from hitting Earth.