ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEClimate change might have deteriorated considerably by the 2040s if the world hadn't outlawed the chemicals that damage the ozone layer with the 1987 Montreal Protocol.
A team of Australian scientists found out how Earth makes the deepest diamonds from waste. The process involves recycling former living organisms 400 kilometers below the surface.
Solar storms from the sun have the ability to damage Earth's electronics, prompting experts to issue a warning about the "extreme" threat that might come from space.
In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) released a controversial definition of "planet" that left Pluto out. But some astronomers were against this definition that demoted the distant orb.
Astronomers identified an asteroid that orbits the sun every 113 days, the shortest known cycle to date. This 3,280-foot-wide asteroid, known as 2021 PH27, was discovered on August 13.
Scientists have previously noticed that the Earth's magnetic field seems to decay periodically, but the reason was unidentified before. The new study confirms that it indeed weakens every 200 million years.
NASA keeps an eye on every asteroid that may pass by Earth to avoid the worst possible scenario if ever it hits the planet. Currently, a potentially hazardous asteroid is coming close to the planet.
A new collaboration from Florida State University (FSU) and Rice University reveals just how much carbon is stored in the Earth's outer core, and it might be the largest carbon reservoir on the planet.
Next week, planet Jupiter is set to a position opposite the sun. It then makes this giant planet visible when the sun sets and vanishes, and again, when it rises.
NASA said that new ultra-precise readings from OSIRIS-Rex reveal that the asteroid Bennu has a better probability, than previously anticipated, of making a near-Earth approach in the next 300 years.
NASA is sending a mission to study the 16 Psyche asteroid that will arrive in 2026. Scientists believe that it is packed full of precious metals that could be worth $10,000 quadrillion
NASA astronomers may have found a young version of the Solar System's Sun in a nearby star. It has the same mass, radius, and temperature when the Sun was only 600 to 700 million years old.
SpaceLink just received funding to demonstrate its relay satellite that could give the International Space Station (ISS) faster communications. It will pick up where the NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) left off.
Experts linked the rise of oxygen on early Earth linked to changing planetary rotation rate. Experts claimed that Earth's oxygen supply grew when the planet's rotation slowed.