Tags: Facebook

European Union Putting Pressure on Silicon Valley Giants

The European Union is putting pressure on US tech giants such as Google, Facebook and even Apple in regards to the companies' business practices and privacy settings. According to the EU officials, the European Commission is close to formally filing antitrust charges against Google, and it is also stepping up its investigation of Facebook's privacy policies

Facebook Drone Could Bring the Internet to Billions

Facebook showed off plans to bring the Internet to billions of people around the world by way of a solar-powered laser drone this week. The drone, codenamed Aquila, the V-shaped unmanned vehicle has the wingspan of a Boeing 767, but is surprisingly light, weighing less than a small car.

Facebook Unveils New 360-Degree Video for News Feeds

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today the the social network site will soon support 360-degree spherical videos which allow users to view locations from different angles, like a 3-D game.

Government Requests for Facebook Data on the Rise

It seems governments around the world are continuing to use Facebook to look into the lives of its citizens. According to Facebook's annual Global Government Requests Report, which also includes information on content removal, the social media giant recorded a slight increase in government requests for account data in the second half of 2014.

Dress Gate—The Dress Color Debate

You probably caught a glimpse of it on your Facebook news feed at least once if not several times over the last few days. Here's how it worked: First, you look at the image and then determine what color the dress is. Is it white? Is it blue?

Zuckerberg Seek Help With His New Year’s Resolutions

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is seeking help with his New Year's resolutions from users of Facebook. Currently he is taking suggestions on his Facebook page for his personal challenge for the new year.

Facebook Comments on Class Action Lawsuit—Are They Going Through Your Messages?

After more than a year of legal fees and litigation, Facebook has finally seen the course of what their class action lawsuit will entail for them, and now they’re commenting back. Now you might view Facebook as the protectors of your dirty little secrets, or even the social media source connecting you to your friends worldwide, but a new class-action lawsuit the company faces alleges that Facebook employs have been scanning users’ messages for information—and your messages may have been hacked too.

Facebook Faces Federal Court After Accusations of Reading Users’ Messages

Ever been in breach of your user policies? Well if you have, you’ll know that judges don’t take too kindly to infringing on other people’s privacy—worse yet, it could amount to millions of dollars in restitution. And while they may seem like the protectors of all our dirty little secrets, leaked through to the internet, it turns out that FACEBOOK INC. is facing a class-action lawsuit of their own, accusing them of scanning users’ messages.

What Does Social Media Say About the Ebola Outbreak?

This morning, the king of social media himself, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife announced their plans to aid in medical efforts by donating $25 million to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation. The news arrived this morning as the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that issues with containment and assessment of the Ebola virus’ impact may lead to a 1,000% increase in infections (10,000 cases a week) by as early as this December.

New Facebook App Provides Free Internet to Zambia

The app will introduce many people to the Internet and give them new resources and tools. Internet users in one African nation will now have greater access to the web thanks to Facebook's work in expanding access to impoverished people in the country.
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