ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEDiscovery of fossil skeletons of Cloudina reveals the origin of biomineralization which led to the expansion of life on Earth. Find out more about it in this article.
An almost completely fossilized skull of Pampaphoneus biccai, the apex predator that dominated the planet before dinosaurs, was unearthed in Brazil. Continue reading to learn more.
Flowering plants became dominant after surviving the mass extinction that killed dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Read the article to learn more details.
A UCL-led study reveals that an extreme cooling event in Europe wiped out the first humans in the continent, coinciding with the gap in hominin history. Continue reading to learn more.
A newfound ancient whale with dense bones likely outweighed blue whales, making it the heaviest animal to have ever lived. Check it out in this article.
Researchers cross-checked proteins from the fossilized teeth to DNA information of other hominids to establish genetic relationships. Check out their findings in this article.
Examination of Tanystropheus hydroides' bite marks from the Middle Triassic revealed a separate predator striking from above, brutally tearing its neck. Read the article to learn more details.
A recent study reveals that ostrich-like dinosaurs in ancient eastern North America weighed over 1,760 pounds (800 kilograms). Read the article to learn more.
A new geological study revises the age of the world's biggest raptor, adding 10 million years to previous records. Check it out in this article to learn more.
Meet the "tadpole from hell," a 330-million-year-old species that shed light on the evolution of tetrapods. Check out in this article how the reconstruction of its fossils helped scientists identify it.
The bear discovered in 2020 in Siberian permafrost was once considered extinct, but a fresh necropsy reveals it is a brown bear from 3,500 years ago. Check it out in this article to learn more.
Researchers said the oldest known pollen-carrying insect, known as Tillyardembiids, might be considered a predecessor of insect pollination. Read the article to learn more.
The evolutionary origin of bird flight has been unknown to scientists for so long, but a new study connects it to non-avian dinosaurs. Read the article to learn more.