ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPaleontologists recently announced the discovery of two new dinosaur species, with the predatory creatures said to have roamed the south of England about 125 million years ago during the Early Cretaceous Period.
Divers discovered another mammoth fossil in Florida, specifically a mammoth leg bone. It was found in the prehistoric river which the discoverers believe was a shallow one.
A photo of the prehistoric monster snake called Titanoboa, which is estimated to have been an astonishing 42.5 feet in length, is circulating online. But the said photo of the fossil is not real, because it is only a model.
Researchers have uncovered perfectly preserved fossils of giant rhinos in the Gansu province of northwestern China. Reconstructing the animal's anatomy showed that fossils came from a new species of giant rhinos, the largest mammals to ever walk the Earth.
A re-analysis of the fossils once touted as the world's smallest dinosaur trapped in amber in Myanmar showed that the remains belonged to a mystery small lizard and not of a bird.
Pandemic paleontology means doing all the preparations and analyses of excavated samples at home. Meaning, even this global health crisis did not stop paleontologists from doing their job.
A six-year-old boy discovered a fossil believe to have dated back around 488 million years in their garden after he received a fossil-hunting kit as a Christmas gift.
Genes of animals from the Ediacaran era are found to live within humans even after half a billion years since they roamed Earth. These genes are responsible for body symmetry, sensory organs, and the immune system.
An expedition, this time to a large inland salt lake, has uncovered a tiny new skink - a fossil ancestry to the modern Australian blue-tongued lizards.
A discovery and study of prehistoric teeth found in 1910 and 1911 suggest that neanderthals and modern humans interbred. The teeth were discovered over 100 years ago at the La Cotte de St. Brelade cave in Jersey, an island on the English channel, a report from Gizmodo states. The teeth, along with fossils and modern genomes, provide sufficient evidence of interbreeding.
A research team of European scientists analyzed 200 million-year-old teeth that belonged to some of the earliest mammals, suggesting that these animals lived much like reptiles.
An international research team has established the precise date of a major volcanic eruption that laid waste to the Maya civilization some 1590 years ago.
A 429-Million-Year-Old Trilobite had modern eyes similar to today's bees and dragonflies which adds to the information of how the eyes and vision of anthropods evolved over time.
According to research, an area in the Sahara, now known as south-eastern Morocco, was debatably the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth. Scientists say it is a place where no human time-traveler would survive because of the creatures that lived there. What kind of creatures lurked the area? Click the link above to find out.
Rare dragonfly fossils were found and they were from 50 million years ago. This shows how life recovered after the mass extinction of dinosaurs and it could teach us about climate change
The researchers were lucky to find a three-dimensional preserved pigeon-sized bird skeleton which can largely help in understanding the evolution of birds.
The Pliosaur is a species of ancient marine reptile commonly found in the waters during the Jurassic period. They resemble a crocodile in form with massive head and strong neck muscles complete with massive teeth for hunting prey.