ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists have found out that forest does not only absorb CO2 but it also affects water cycle too. Researchers have found out that forest and trees do not only absorb the carbon dioxide emissions of the world but they cool the Earth in other ways too.
It has been suggested that changes in solar output might affect our climate. Scientists believe a weaker sun could reduce earth temperatures by at least half a degree.
Arctic again hits a low level of sea ice. Scientists blame the man-made global warming. Global warming is hitting the Earth badly. Recently, scientists have found that the frigid top of the Earth has a new record for the low level of sea ice.
Global warming is the most seen reason by scientists that causes the gradual vanishing of the ice sheets in North America. In the next 300 years, the Barnes Ice Cap Island in Canada is expected to melt as shown in its current situation.
Scientists have identified that half of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is dead. The Great Barrier Reef, home of many coral reefs, is now 50 percent dead, scientists stated.
Scientists think that climate change data should be saved from Trump and his administration. As many people do not believe in climate change, U. S. president Trump does not too.
Humans are the main reason for the rapid climate change and they are also the solution for it. Many scientists and other climate enthusiasts have been saying that it is the human race's fault that our planet is at this rate.
A new study has found that soil carbon loss is more sensitive to climate change compared to carbon taken up by plants. In drier regions, soil carbon loss decreased but in wetter regions, soil carbon loss increased.
Climate Change can be predicted by past disasters. It can also change the future if people want to. As many people know, climate change is happening at a very fast rate.
the Arctic of Greenland is now on its critical condition after several reports of ice melting were recorded. Global wearing is the main cause why the "nature's clock" speeds up causing harm to all living things in the Arctic and soon on Earth.
The today new verified record high- temperatures in Antarctica, ranging from the high 60s to the high teens, depending on the location they were recorded in Antarctica.
Climate Change has been deemed the cause of many massive and deadly landslides and floods in Chile. There have been deadly landslides and floods that occurred near Chile's capital, Santiago.
Plants and animals may tend to look for a cold or warm temperature for their habitat and source of food.
This can cause a serious problem in the future, for alien species would migrate and left its nativity alone causing environmental imbalance.
Studies suggests that climate change can be a possible cause of the rapid spread of Zika Virus. What could be the principle and mechanism behind this research claim?
Over the past 50 years, the global rate of Oxygen at ocean is decreased by two percent. Scientists identified that burning of fossil fuel increases the greenhouse gas in atmosphere and 40 percent of greenhouse gases gets absorbed by ocean.