ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAn investigation spearheaded by 60 Minutes revealed that the real problem of Australia’s recycling is that there is no truth to its existence.
The rise in the sea levels due to the problem on the warming of the Earth is getting worse that experts think we might need to consider building floating cities for survival.
A glacier the size of Florida is on track to change the course of human civilization. Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica are enormous in size and often referred to as the most dangerous glacier on Earth.
Online shopping has far by been the best option for busy people who need something bought but couldn’t leave their desks. But how does this convenience contribute to climate change?
The United Nations says that the ocean heat is setting a new record with its sky high rating in 2018, posing great risks to ocean creatures and to mankind.
A new generation of young minds is becoming more interested to put a stop to the harsh effects of climate change. How can we help to save their future?
A huge storm brought the US one of the worst flooding in over a decade. ILLINOIS -- USA, Landmark flooding has devastated a huge part of the central US.
Global warming and climate change remains to be two of the most challenging problems of mankind, but scientists from Harvard say they can stop it through Solar Geoengineering.
A rodent species has been wiped out by rise in sea level caused by climate change. (Photo : Ian Bell) AUSTRALIA - After the announcement from Queensland, a three-year exhaustive search for the tiny rodent called Bramble Cay melomys was carried out in the hope of debunking their announced extinction.