Tags: Mars

China Opens Mars Base Simulator in Gobi Desert

SPACE Mars Base 1 opens to the public; mock-up living situations is Mars shown. Today, Chinese teenagers were given a five-hour tour of a space colony set against a desolate backdrop much like Mars.

InSight Detects Microseisms While Waiting for Marsquakes

NASA's InSight has detected microseisms on Mars, confirming proper operation of the equipment. (Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech/CNES/IPGP) When the ocean moves to make storms and tides, there is a microseismic activity happening on Earth that is detected by equipment designed for that purpose.

NASA Caught A Snap of The Sunset in Mars

A hazy but amazing sunset-for-one from the Red Planet. Nothing is more spectacular than ending the day by watching the sunset over the vast blue ocean waters.

Calm Down, NASA Hasn’t Found Alien Life

Not yet, at least. If you're an Area 51 junkie or a conspiracy connoisseur, then you're probably going to be disappointed when I tell you NASA isn't planning on dropping any extraterrestrial life news anytime soon.

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