Tags: Mars

The Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) has been recording sounds from the Red Planet too faint for human ears

Marsquakes Are A Thing and You Can Hear Them Through InSight

SPACE The SEIS on Mars lander InSight has picked up some strange sounds, and you can listen to them. Did NASA just detect movement of Mars' crust? Or was it just a couple of rocks blown by the wind? NASA's InSight lander has picked up on some interesting rumblings on the Earth-like planet.

Trump's Tweet About Not Going To The Moon Is Causing Problems

Trump changed his mind about going to the moon, much to the space exploration's dismay A month after declaring the mission of his administration to go to the Moon before planning a trip to Mars, President Trump changed his mind about the whole thing and stated it through his tweet that was sent on June 7, which confused a lot of people.

Rock Sampling Toolkit Installed On The Mars 2020 Rover

NASA is currently working on the installation of the rock sampling toolkit on the Mars 2020 Rover. NASA -- The space agency is currently working on the space rovers that will be sent to explore specific areas in space.

Life On Venus: Could It Be True?

Several studies and explorations have been dedicated to the planet Mars, but new research shows that life on Venus might be possible too.

Container Pod for Mars 2020 Sample-Return Unveiled

ESA officials stated that NASA will launch the sample-return lander mission which will land near the Mars 2020 site Later, the sample-fetch rover, a small ESA rover will then head out to retrieve the samples.

How the Ice on Mars Melts

Researchers suggest a magma chamber may have been formed under the surface of Mars to help heat up the ice cap.

NASA Recorded First Marsquake

Seismometer on Mars recorded a 40-second seismic wave for the first time. NASA's Mars InSight lander may have just measured and recorded for the first time an earthquake - well, in this case, a "Marsquake".

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