Tags: Moon

After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

50 years after the first glass panel was installed on the Moon, laser beam signals were picked up at a station in France. Scientists can now measure the precise and changing distance between the Moon and Earth amongst other measurements.
Developing agriculture in space provides a key resource for developing extraterrestrial colonies.

Growing Plants in Space: Why It's Important

A summary of recent developments in growing food crops in space. With more missions planned for the Moon and Mars, rapid technological developments are now in the pipeline to ensure their success.
One of the fruits that the researchers were able to harvest from lunar and Martian soil was tomatoes.

Space Agriculture: Crops Can Be Grown on Moon and Mars Soil

Researchers are able to harvest fruits and seeds grown on simulated Moon and Mars soil. With NASA, the European Space Agency, and Roscosmos all looking at future missions to Mars in the near future, the race is on in the age of space colonization.

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