SPACEThe first surface radiation measurements by China’s Chang’e 4 lander found that the moon is safe for human exploration. What could this possibly imply?
Chitin, an organic substance commonly found on Earth, can be used to create tools and shelter for future space explorations on the Moon and on Mars. Scientists have been developing technology that efficiently manufactures chitin-derived materials.
Scientists have found a way of cleaning the lunar dust that gets stuck on the spacesuits, solar panel, and helmets to prevent it from damaging the equipment.
Astronauts train to explore lava tubes or underground caves, on the Red Planet and on the Moon. New data can give insight into former volcanic activity and reveal signs of life.
50 years after the first glass panel was installed on the Moon, laser beam signals were picked up at a station in France. Scientists can now measure the precise and changing distance between the Moon and Earth amongst other measurements.
The Tiktok community said there is a bad moon on the rise after a band of witches tried to hex it. Now, they are planning to hex the Sun too. But experts said the moon is still normal and nothing extraordinary has happened.
Chinese Yutu-2 rover has discovered a green gel-like substance in a small impact crater on the far side of the moon in 2019, and finally, scientists have identified it-- a rock.
A Japanese spacecraft indicate an abundance of carbon emissions on the moon which should have been eradicated during the collision between Earth and the wandering planet Theia.
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) shows ridges with freshly exposed bedrock on the moon's surface, which are a result of an active tectonic system
A piece of the moon is up for grabs in a private sale at Christie's, a British auction house. How much, you ask? Why just about $2.5 million. Learn more about one of the world's largest lunar meteorites on sale by clicking the link above.
Billion years ago, the young moon was orbiting around the Earth so closely that it had a profoundly strange effect on the shape of our embryonic home planet.
The India Space Research Organisation was able to locate the crash site of India's Vikram lander last September 10 through the orbiter installed on the Chandrayaan-2; however, there is no communication with it yet.
A summary of recent developments in growing food crops in space. With more missions planned for the Moon and Mars, rapid technological developments are now in the pipeline to ensure their success.
Researchers are able to harvest fruits and seeds grown on simulated Moon and Mars soil. With NASA, the European Space Agency, and Roscosmos all looking at future missions to Mars in the near future, the race is on in the age of space colonization.