TECH & INNOVATIONLofty Presidential goals fall on the shoulders of NASA The Trump Administration, via a press conference held by Vice President Mike Pence, has given NASA an ultimatum; either put American astronauts on the Moon by 2024 or be replaced by private industry.
Toyota, no longer just for earthlings. Toyota plans to take off-roading vehicle design to astronomical heights, to the moon to be exact. The carmaker announced an upcoming collaboration with Japan's national space agency to design, develop and build the next generation of moon rover.
A strong and strange mechanism is causing the planets to tilt. For more than a decade, astronomers have tried to find an explanation for planets in the solar system that seem to have an odd configuration.
Humans will be conquering Mars on 2030 NASA had unveiled their plan of yet another important mission on space; the summit to Mars. The preparation, however, involves a year-long trip to the moon.
A rare cosmic alignment has allowed scientists to observe a never-before-seen phenomenon on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io two huge waves sweeping across the surface of a lava lake the size of Wales.
Researchers from DLR German Aerospace Center found an advanced way to build homes. they have 3D printed bricks from the moon-dust and baked in the solar furnace. the furnace is made of 147 mirrors to focus the sunlight on a single point of the beam.
Jupiter's cold moon Europa has likewise long been known to have a sub-surface sea that contains more fluid water than is available on the whole planet Earth in the solar system.
Previous explorations and studies may have concluded that the surface of the moon and the Earth have great similarities. This has motivated entrepreneurs and even the US government to expound on the possibility of moon mining.
Like every Astrophysical body, Earth’s moon also has a magnetic field. According to Dynamo theory, this field is basically generated by the core of every celestial object like Moon’s lunar core.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is the Japanese partner for the Martian Moon Exploration Project. The mars moon Phobos is slightly egg shaped and is 27 kilometers in diameter if measured from end to end.
Heads of various space agencies agree on sending initial missions to the moon before Mars. They believe it will be the key to the success of much tougher journey to the red planet.
They happen every 29 days and April’s offering is the Pink Moon. Here’s everything you need to know.Moon month is slightly shorter than our calendar months, the dates of the full moons shift slightly from year-to-year.
During a presentation Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA’s chief of human spaceflight shows their upcoming plan for the super-heavy-lift rocket. This space launcher also integrates a crew module and will introduce in subsequent missions after EM1.
A group of astronomers from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics or CFA developed a cosmic simulation. This simulation may presume the possible future of the moon of the exoplanetary system around a dwarf star.
July 1969 when a man first step on the moon leaving historical landing sites and bringing significant discovery in the history. Now, a law was signed by the president for the protection and preservation of these landing sites.