Tags: Pacific Ocean

Mysterious Blobs in Pacific Ocean: Study Links These Warm Water Patches to Aerosol Emission Reduction in China
Extremely Powerful Solar Flare Unleashed by the Sun Triggered Widespread Radio Blackouts Across the Pacific Region
Debunking Ocean Myths: The Truth Behind the Lines and Mixing of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Point Nemo: British Explorer Aims To Become First To Reach Remotest Area on Earth
World’s Earliest Earthquakes: 3.3 Billion-Year-Old Pacific Ocean Rocks From Africa Reveal Earliest Evidence of Plate Tectonics
Upsweep Sounds: Unexplained Scary Calls From Within the Pacific
ESA's ERS-2 Satellite Safely Burns Up Over North Pacific Upon Reentry After 30 Years in Orbit
4 Plateaus in the Pacific Ocean Aren’t Rigid but Weak Spots Yanked Apart by Distant Force at Plate’s Edge

Amelia Earhart's Plane Wreckage May Have Finally Been Found By Scientists

What Is the Bloop? Unveiling the Mystery of Piercing Sound Deep in the Pacific

Solar Storms: Radio Blackouts Felt Over Pacific Ocean; Another Geomagnetic Storm May Hit Earth
Massive Submarine 'Superstructure' Has Been Lurking on the Pacific Ocean Floor; Scientists Explore Its Formation and Growth
First Interstellar Meteor's 10th Anniversary: Galileo Project Unveils Secrets of IM1 in the Pacific Ocean

Ongoing Undersea Volcanic Eruption Creates New Landmass off Japan's Coast
Incredible Footage Reveals Massive Megapod of Spinner Dolphins in Spectacular Aerial Hunt off Costa Rica

Long-Lost 'Pontus' Tectonic Plate From 160 Million Years Ago Identified; Mega-Plate Could Have Been as Big as One-Fourth of the Pacific Ocean

Harvard Scientist Claims Discovery of Extraterrestrial Evidence in Pacific Ocean, Drawing Skepticism
Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Thriving Ecosystem Emerges Amidst Massive Marine Debris Concentration, Raising Concerns

Radioactive Wastewater From Fukushima Nuclear Plant Will Be Released Into the Pacific Ocean; Should We Be Worried About It?

Harvard Physicist Recovers Iron Fragments From the Pacific Ocean: Could They Be an Extraterrestrial Technology?
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists