Tags: Radiation

Vegetable Compound PEITC May Fight Cancer Stem Cells

Your mother was right: eating your green veggies, not to mention your apple a day, might keep the oncologist away. Researchers have found that chewing up cruciferous vegetables transforms a precursor compound and enzyme they contain into a powerful cancer-preventing compound called phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC).

NASA Giving Away $29K To Someone Who Can Figure Out How To Protect Astronauts

Space radiation is one of the biggest problems that NASA faces if it wants to one day send humans to Mars. In a recent study, scientists found that exposure to this radiation can cause brain damage, meaning that astronauts making the journey may be unable to perform their duties once they arrive at the Red Planet. In an effort to come up with new ideas, NASA is offering prizes of up to $29,000 for anyone’s novel design concept that could keep crew members safe.

Cosmic Radiation Reveals Devastating Affects on the Brain—What Plans Will This Change for NASA?

When it comes to life on Earth, we’re one of the most fragile species there is. But thanks to the rather perfect confluence of circumstances and cosmic events, we’re mostly shielded from the dangers of space. Strong ultraviolet rays are kept out, our vital oxygen and water are kept in, and life continues blissfully. But what happens when we leave our own little planet in search of others? What protection do we have then?

Tanning Salons Sued by New York Over Cancer Risk

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has filed a lawsuit against two tanning salon franchises - Portafino Spas, LLC and Total Tan, Inc., saying there is "nothing safe about indoor tanning." He has also served notice that intends to sue Beach Bum Tanning Salons and Planet Fitness as well. Together, the four franchises operate 155 tanning salons around the state.

Bringing Ancient White Seashells Back to Colorful Life

Searching through museum archives can often be quite a lifeless task, especially when you’re sorting through tons of tons of samples of faded white seashells that went extinct millions of years ago. But with a little bit of ingenuity, and whole heap of incentive, some researchers with San Jose State University are bringing life back to these ancient species and giving us a technicolor look as what the seas may have been like 6.6 million years ago.

Future Mars Missions Threatened by Cosmic Radiation

Young would-be space explorers received some bad news this week. Due to the Sun entering in to a phase of relatively low solar activity, cosmic radiation is projected to increase to such levels that any prolonged manned space expedition would prove harmful and even deadly to the astronauts involved.
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