Tags: Research

New Study Shows Brain and Memory Decline Due to Stress on the Job

Motivation to Learn Declines With Age, Science Says

Researchers say having the get-up-and-go attitude toward things declines as people age. Mice research shows that ageing impacts a brain circuit that is important for learning to make certain choices.
Electoral College Voters Cast Ballots Amid Protests

Exercising Rights to Vote Linked to Positive Mental Health

Now that the United States gets to decide its future through electing its leaders, with the right to suffrage, or voting, being one of the rights granted by the Constitution. However, aside from the human rights and civic duty involved, the very act of casting votes can also offer benefits to one's mental health.
beluga whales social networks study

Social Networks: Not Just For Humans But Beluga Whales Too

Beluga whales can form extensive social networks, even across distances, a new study finds. The sea creatures communicate through echolocation, just like killer whales and bats, that allow them to communicate with other individuals from far away.

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