CHEMISTRYEthical ban on genetic tampering Months after a Chinese scientist stunned the world with the announcement that he had genetically altered embryos that resulted in full-term twin girls, genetics experts and ethicists are now calling for a partial ban on the use of a gene-editing technology that can be used to make modified humans.
The organisms in the Precambrian time of life were much more dynamic and livelier than it was expected by the scientists. A new research from the Vanderbilt University reveals the information.
A new research has proved that the earth’s atmosphere can be more chemically reactive in the colder temperatures. Scientists have observed the mechanism behind it.
Scientists now discover the type of environment in which the earliest homo, human’s own genus used to live millions of years ago, i.e. these ancestors had a grassy beginning.
A new study on warm Neptune reveals that there is a so-called ‘primitive atmosphere’ which surrounds the planet. It could help in knowing how planets are formed and developed.
A team of researchers found out the benefits of wine in the neurons of human. Commonly, wine can cause the variety of harmful effects on a person's health.
Researchers found that due to these melt ponds, nutrients are able to reach sea creatures more easily in arctic water. The study says that this can be helpful for the life in arctic waters.
The researchers observed something that should be impossible, a massive bloom of phytoplankton growing under Arctic sea ice in conditions that should have been far too dark for anything requiring photosynthesis to survive. So, how was this blooms possible
Researchers joined their efforts together to sequence the genes of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) or the "amphibian plague" which is accountable for the declining of the salamander and newt's population as well as the increasing rate of their deaths.
A group of researchers from the University of California Riverside found an aromatic hydrocarbon molecule in car engine exhaust. This molecule presumes for the contribution of the early stage of the universe.
Contrary to the current theory, dinosaurs may have originated in the northern hemisphere instead of the southern. The recent analysis also challenges the age-old notion of Dinosaur's family tree and suggests renaming and rearranging of the various dinosaur classifications.
Scientists from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) and the University of Southampton in the U.K. have identified a mechanism by which ocean waters may rise from the ocean's depths to its uppermost layers.
The earliest evidence for life on Earth is graphite found to be a biogenic substance in 3.7 billion-year-old metasedimentary rocks discovered in western Greenland and microbial mat fossils found in 3.48 billion-year-old sandstone discovered in Western Australia.
Despite a tiny brain size, Bumblebees show great intelligence and learning capability. They constntly learn new things from one another and develop their skills.
A recent study holds the physical phenomenon "ageing" responsible for the prediction of earthquakes but predicting its timing and impact remains inconclusive.
NASA scientists are trying to find any habitat exoplanet exist in our universe along this they also try to find some mystery in Antarctica that may have some strong evidence related to extraterrestrial species and their connection with our Earth.