Tags: Science

The Planet Mercury Passes Across The Sun

This article contains the overview of how the planet Mercury was seen passing across the Sun. The tiny planet Mercury was seen traveling across the Sun in a beautiful entrance.
Draconid, Orionid Meteor Showers

The best time to view the Draconid, Orionid meteor showers

A long time ago, when people stared in the sky. Sometimes they'd spy bright specs of light. Some thought they were angels or the gods dashing through the sky. In time, early astronomers developed spyglasses and telescopes with improved optics.

CO2 Levels Are Higher Than Ever

CO2 in the atmosphere is considered to be the highest concentration since the evolution of the human species.

How the Ice on Mars Melts

Researchers suggest a magma chamber may have been formed under the surface of Mars to help heat up the ice cap.

How Science Can Boost the Economy

A new book by professors at MIT outlines science’s benefit to the economy. Science and the economy, both are usual topics in today's news, but what effect does one have on the other? Well, a great example of that is that in the late 80s, the US federal government created a three-billion-dollar, 15-year project to sequence the human genome.

Scientists Create Living, Eating, Growing Machines

A machine that mimics biological life as we know it. A new biomaterial built in a Cornell University bioengineering lab uses synthetic DNA to continuously and autonomously organize, assemble, and restructure itself in a process so similar to how biological cells and tissues grow that the researchers are calling "artificial metabolism".

Ecobricks: Plastics in the Construction World

From nonbiodegradable waste to construction materials Our community needs building blocks-literally! Bricks are laid out on the streets, on your garden walkway, within the walls of your room, and practically everywhere.

A Liquid Metal with T-1000-like Properties Has Been Created

Chinese researchers create a new metal composite that can be manipulated by magnets. Researchers in China have created a Terminator-like liquid metal that has the ability to stretch horizontally and vertically, as well as change shapes.

Glass: The Science Behind It

A look into making an everyday unnoticed luxury. Glass is one of those everyday luxuries that over the years has become an unnoticed magic of science. Glass is used in every country, it can be found in every building and every car.

E-Cigarettes: Vaporizing the Competition

The less of two evils? We are all familiar with the dangers of traditional cigarettes. And with the increasing bans worldwide on smokers it is no wonder e-cigarettes, more commonly known as vape or vaping, are beginning to be the go to alternative for smokers.

Experts Call for a Ban on Genetic Editing

Ethical ban on genetic tampering Months after a Chinese scientist stunned the world with the announcement that he had genetically altered embryos that resulted in full-term twin girls, genetics experts and ethicists are now calling for a partial ban on the use of a gene-editing technology that can be used to make modified humans.
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