Tags: Science

The Multiverse: Theoretically Inevitable

SPACE Proof of an existing Multiverse is theoretically inevitable. The Universe is constantly expanding, and at an accelerated rate. Even with today's most advanced technology, the edge of the Universe could never be seen.

Earth: As Flat as an Ellipsoid Can Be

Another debunking of the flat earth theory We all know the Earth is round--right? Well, apparently not all of us. There is an actual group of people, the Flat Earth Society, who whole-heartedly believe that the earth is flat.

Gourmet Ice Cream: Is Science the Secret?

Contrary to what you think, making ice cream is more of a science than cooking. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Well maybe not scream, but we all love ice cream just the same.

China Is Taking Over Leadership in Science

China is on its way to becoming the world leader in science and technology. China is moving fast in science and technology, and the United States may lose its place.
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