Tags: Stroke

Dietary Supplement Linked to Hemorrhagic Stroke

In a disturbing report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine today, the death of a healthy 53-year-old woman was linked to a dietary supplement, β-methylphenylethylamine, which when combined with exercise, can cause hemorrhagic stroke.

Can the Air You Breathe Cause Your Brain to Shrink?

According to a new study published this week in the journal Stroke, researchers found the first link directly correlating changes in brain volume to exposure to air pollution, and during the 10-year monitoring period found that brains exposed to areas of dense air pollution were smaller leading to poorer cognitive function—poorer thinking and memory problems just being the start.

Aspirin May Do More Harm Than Good for People Seeking to Prevent Heart Attacks

How many times have you heard how aspirin is good for people seeking to prevent a heart attack? Today, this has become common knowledge, and aspirin is often taken by people suffering from heart disease that want to try to prevent a heart attack. However, a new study has found that aspirin may not be as good for you as you once thought, and many people that are taking aspirin should not be doing so.
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