Tags: Study

Global Warming Helps Arctic Animals: Study Finds

Researchers found that due to these melt ponds, nutrients are able to reach sea creatures more easily in arctic water. The study says that this can be helpful for the life in arctic waters.

Meet The Healthiest Hearts In The World

Scientists discover the healthiest hearts in the world in the Amazon rainforest. If there is such a thing as the healthiest hearts in the world, then this group of people may just be the closest thing.

Johns Hopkins University Faces Lawsuit Over STD Study

Johns Hopkins University is facing a $1 billion lawsuit stemming from experiments done by the US government over 60 years ago. According to the lawsuit, the university is responsible for creating and designing the experiment so many years ago, and they are now being held liable for the results.

Champion Foodies—Chimpanzees Will Make the Trek for a Delicious Meal

Though researchers have come to understand that in comparison to the human palette, chimpanzees may not be as refined, it appears that these clever relatives are foodies at heart. In fact, when it comes to a meal of grapes over veggies, chimpanzees will even go out of their way for the chance to dine on something sweeter than the norm. In a new study published this week in the journal PeerJ researchers at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo investigated the food preferences of chimpanzees in captivity only to find that the animals are clever enough to find a way of getting the goodies they prefer.

The Light Theory—How Researchers Are Proving Einstein Right With a Snapshot

As one of these few disciplines, quantum physics falls into a realm of science where well-documented and highly regarded theories take precedence. But explaining these theories requires a deep understanding of the underlying science, and devising lab experiments to illustrate them is a near impossible feat. One research team of American and Swiss physicists with the EPFL Labs in Switzerland, however, are doing just that. And equipped with some wire, a laser and quick-capturing electron microscope they’re proving what Einstein theorized was true — light can act as a particle and a wave.

New HIV Strain in Cuba Has Researchers Rushing to Stop Fast Progression of AIDS

In a new study published in the journal EBioMedicine, researchers with Belgium’s University of Leuvan report the discovery of a new strain of HIV which may prove to be far more lethal to patients in the West. Originally found in patients in Cuba, the new strain poses particular threats to those infected with HIV as it can develop into AIDS within three years of infection. Though efforts have significantly lowered the infection rates of HIV, as well as prolonged lives with the help of antiretroviral drugs, researchers fear that the fast-moving virus may advance too quickly to treat.

Think That Chicks Are Just Plain Cute? Well It Turns Out That They Have a Knack for Numbers Too

While it may take children a couple of years to learn the true values of arithmetic, a new study conducted by ethologist Dr Rosa Rugani, from the University of Padova, reveals that newborn chicks can not only recognize number patterns but also place them in ascending order from left to right. In fact, while the cognitive ability to count may seem like an acquired trait taught to us in school, Rugani’s recent experiments prove that even those with bird brains can display a knack for “number mapping”.

Reptile Preceding Dinosaurs Discovered

Paleontologists have discovered a new species of reptile after putting together the remains of a new crocodile-like species that lived long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Vanishing Pulsar Locked in Stellar Tug-Of-War

Astronomers are currently observing a massive stella tug-of-war taking place between a rotating neutron star - known as a pulsar - and another star, which is so intense that it is bending space and making the pulsar wobble—causing it to disappear from view.

New Study Explains Why HIV Vaccine Backfires

Several studies have discovered that HIV vaccines can backfire and lead to increased rates of the infection, as opposed to reducing or eliminating the viral pathogen. Now, a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences might have an explanation as to why this occurs.
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