Medicine & TechnologyScientists solve a puzzling mystery about a tuberculosis strain outbreak that feeds on bones. Read to know more about these findings.
The century-old BCG vaccine has been proud to protect babies not just from TB but from other viral infections unrelated to tuberculosis. Learn more from here.
In a new study, researchers find that the COVID-19 pandemic could naturally increase the global burden of tuberculosis due to delays in diagnosis, treatment, and interruptions to health services. They estimate about 110,000 additional deaths from TB in China, India, and South Africa over the next five years.
Studies had shown that there is a tendency for people to be left-handed when they have a slender featured facial profile with an overbite structure of the jaw. Most likely, linking studies also show that these group of people are prone to TB and Psychosis disorders.
Tuberculosis (TB) has been one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. A new research finds the natural compunds found in soil useful in fighting the deadly disease.