Documents on Wooden Surface

Enhance Productivity and Focus by Blocking Websites

This is an age of digital distraction. While there are many benefits to near-limitless access to information, the costs associated can be extreme. Among these challenges are decreased productivity and an inability to maintain focus on a single task. Particularly when trying to accomplish tasks that require sustained attention and concentration, these issues can be a result of information overload. To help mitigate this, an effective strategy is to block time-wasting websites when one needs to focus. This can significantly enhance productivity, improve focus, and help avoid distractions.
Andrey Gunin

Corporate Governance: 10 Steps of Ethical Decision Making

A couple of years ago, a university in Moscow approached me with an invitation to design and teach a course to their students. They wanted a well-recognized and distinguished CFO to teach their students financial management or real estate development, but I believed other professors already covered those extensively. Instead, I decided to focus on addressing overlooked topics and uncomfortable conversations that not many professors want to have with their students. I wanted to talk to them about ethics and responsibility.
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