TECH & INNOVATIONCharles River Analytics has been awarded a ~$125K contract from NASA to give teams of exploration robots the ability to act as an autonomous swarm.
Researchers developed a program that will teach ethics to artificial intelligence (AI), which is an important task as AI has been used in various applications.
Mixed reality has been used by NASA to upgrade the ISS facility called the Cold Atom Lab. NASA adapted a new level of mixed reality technology that will be usable for the future of the space agency's upgrades and installation process for one of the International Space Station's specialized facilities called the Cold Atom Lab.
"Innovate in Neurology to fight stroke". Lys Therapeutics, a French biotech company developing innovative drugs to treat patients suffering from neurological diseases including stroke, along with the Blood and Brain @ Caen-Normandie Institute (BB@C), announced today they will host a scientific conference in support of World Stroke Day.
Smart alarm clocks should be better than standard alarm clocks. However, they lack one thing that is standard in the "dumb" versions. Here's why you cannot trust smart alarm clocks.
A visual prosthesis comprising a camera and a brain implant recently made it possible for a blind teacher who's had no vision for 16 years to see again.
Scientists at Northeastern University have turned cow manure into a filter that separates salt in seawater to make it into drinking water. They hope this technology can address the global water scarcity.
Risk of cyber fraud has never been as high. While many of us were adjusting to life after the pandemic and dealing with working from home, at-home schooling and various lockdowns, cyber criminals have used that as an opportunity for their malicious actions.
New research led by the University of Glasgow’s School of Psychology and Neuroscience analyzes Deep Neural Networks in hopes of paving the way for creating more dependable human-like AI technology.