A food-tech startup in upstate New York developed a new pasteurization technology that preserves perishable food without refrigeration and using artificial preservatives to cut down millions of tons of food waste worldwide.
New research demonstrates how 3D printing technology could create highly precise and complex microlenses - miniature reflective surfaces whose diameters are just a few microns.
A lithium-metal battery may be the Holy Grail of battery chemistry that could change the electric car industry as it could hold far more energy than batteries used in smartphones and electric cars.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology helped a quadriplegic man to turn his imagined handwriting into text on a screen. He can produce 90 characters (15 words) per minute.
Uganda uses medical drones as a solution to combat HIV, especially in remote districts. The new HIV fighters are now in place to deliver more medicinal supplies, helping to lessen the HIV prevalence rate.
New laser cap that user low light laser therapy can help in fighting baldness without leaving the house. It can easily fit inside the regular ball cap so users can use it even while watching TV or eating popcorn on the couch.
After accomplishing its mission on Asteroid Bennu, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has departed from the giant rock and is set to return to Earth carrying the samples it collected.
A team of researchers has completed the first comprehensive study of North West Australia, circumnavigating and mapping the entire deepwater zone in Ashmore Reef Marine Park.
A new treatment for preventing hearing loss, or restoring damages, involves shooting a beam of infrared light down the patient's ear. Ongoing US trials show promise.
A Philadelphia restaurant had its staff wear vaccination bracelets to let their customers know they have been vaccinated. Will this be the new norm when going to places?
The first batch of ATOMIK apple spirit, distilled from apples growing inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone was seized in a recent Ukrainian Secret Services investigation.