TECH & INNOVATIONConsidering a first-time Zoho CRM implementation or working out frustrations with an existing Zoho system is a time-consuming process. You realize the importance of Zoho CRM for your business, but it's not the only thing on your plate. Hiring a Zoho Consultant is an excellent way to save you time and either move forward with a Zoho CRM implementation or solve the existing problems you're experiencing.
The world's largest camera has taken the first 3,200 megapixel images at SLAC that will need 378 4k ultra HD screens to display one of them in full size.
Two space architects have completed their two-month stay in Greenlandaboard the Lunark, the origami-inspired foldable shelter used in the next generation Moon explorations.
With the vast majority of the world's biggest financial firms' employees working at home, more companies are experimenting with creative solutions to challenges arising from remote work.
Researchers are investing in an old technique - working to address the largest problem among citrus farmers by creating new fruit species with increased resistance.
Korean scientists have been working on a self-healing polymer for smartphone displays. Two research teams based in Korea reported the invention of a self-healing polymer part for LCD smartphone displays.
Though fiber optic cables have made communication and data transmission even faster than previously possible, it is still subject to physical limitations and data losses. A new study has found a way to reduce signal losses from glass-based fiber optic cables.
The ancient Maya civilization has created an extraordinarily accurate calendar thousands of years ago. Find out here how this ancient civilization was able to track time and create their own calendar.
Electronic waste hides away the bulk of the world's waste in its difficult-to-trace processes of resource extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and electricity production.