TECH & INNOVATIONAllo Allo is one of the most authentic refurbishers in the world, who deal in supplying refurbished electronics at great prices. This Hong Kong based brand owned by the group Icon Globe Trade has spread in recent time to more than 70 countries worldwide. Their online shopping portal has easy to use features with multiple language support like English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese. The website automatically detects the customer's location and displays the language according to the customer's country which makes the shopping experience extremely user friendly.
A research team trained its AI agents on how to act and communicate in a fantasy world. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have grown increasingly complex over the years, being capable of handling a variety of tasks.
Tel Aviv University Nanosatellite Center has overseen all aspects of the development of the TAU-SAT1 nanosatellite, now undergoing pre-flight testing with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
MIT trained three AI neural networks to distinguish healthy and asymptomatic coughs. Currently, the technology is being developed into a mobile app to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
Gone are the days when supply chain professionals had to put their shipments on a truck, ship, train, or airplane and hear nothing until they arrived at the other side. These days, supply chain and logistics professionals are using RFID chips and GPS tracking devices to follow shipments and keep tabs on them throughout the shipping and warehousing process.
Disney has been combining animations and robots for the past 30 years. Recent developments in robot architecture include realistic eye movement such as taking a glance and recognizing a person.
A new approach could spark an era of battery-free ocean exploration. GPS isn't waterproof. The navigation system depends on radio waves, which break down rapidly in liquids, including seawater.
The whole concept of an electric vehicle is nothing new. The first "horseless carriages" were electric and required you to crank up the battery with a hand crank on the front of the vehicle, a dangerous endeavor most of the time because the hand crank was metal. The latest electric cars are supposed to be a solution to the consumption of fossil fuels and the lingering natural resources. However, there are still some lingering challenges with electric vehicle engineering.
Science and technology is growing at a rapid pace. Every now and then we come across different articles which highlight the achievements of science and technology. There are many industries which have benefits through the development of such technologies. Therefore, businesses and industries in general need to look out for different advancements.