TECH & INNOVATIONBased on artificial intelligence (AI), a bot has been running on the encrypted messaging platform Telegram - creating more than 100,000 "deepfake" images using photographs of real women, without their consent.
This year's Halloween will definitely be bombarded with a few "Among Us" fans. If you're trying to win the costume party, you might have to stand out a little bit.
Since nuclear fusion was discovered, it has become something of a holy grail in the search for efficient and clean energy sources. While the technology remains in a developmental phase, scientists are looking for a revolutionary application - fusion drives for spacecraft.
Scanning Pens, a tech company that manufactures pens helping dyslexic people to read, has seen a sharp increase in its demand during the coronavirus pandemic.
RMS Titanic Inc, the company that owns the salvage rights to The Titanic, is planning to retrieve the ship's radio equipment - sparking an old debate on whether the sunken ship still holds human remains.
Facebook could pay a huge fine if regulators find Instagram has broken privacy laws. If inquiries show that Instagram has breached privacy rules, the social media giant could face a massive fine.
Microsoft made history last month with its largest acquisition deal ever - the $7.5 billion purchase of ZeniMax Media, which includes The Elder Scrolls publisher Bethesda Softworks.
NASA has recently awarded a total of $370 million to 14 companies in different areas, in support of the agency's upcoming space missions to the Moon under the Artemis project.