TECH & INNOVATIONCanadian auto parts manufacturer Worksport signed an agreement with American electric truck brand Atlis Motor Vehicles on September 22 to install solar panel technology on trucks.
The circumstances of 2020 have accelerated the CNC industry's technological innovation. With an increased focus on automation and waste reduction, accompanied by a renewed sense of urgency, 2021 promises a series of exciting trends that will change the face of the industry.
Currently accounting for 3 percent of new car sales, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are sold as low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuel and conventional hybrid cars. But a new report threatens to shatter their green credentials.
I have computer chips in my hands. The tiny (2 by 12 millimeters) glass ampules are nestled just under the skin on the back of each of my hands and were implanted by a local body piercer several years ago.
Fundamentally, social media dispenses with the nuance of dealing with a person in the flesh and all the signaling complexities of body language, vocal tone, and speed of utterance. The immediacy and anonymity of social media also remove the (healthy) challenges of paying attention, properly processing information, and responding with civility.
Northrop Grumman Corporation, the American aerospace and defense developer, has bagged the contract from the US Space Force (USSF) to develop the prototype for its planned Evolved Strategic SATCOM (ESS) program.
Twitter announced that it would investigate its neural network responsible for generating its photo review after users of the platform called out the apparent racial bias in its selection of pictures.
The Metronome—a 62-foot-wide electronic clock with a 15-digit display facing Manhattan's Union square—has changed its display to the remaining time before the "climate change deadline."
President Donald Trump has given his approval to the agreement between Chinese-owned video sharing platform TikTok and American tech giant Oracle on Saturday, September 19.
Not all food can be effectively used in 3D printers due to temperature-sensitive nutrients like milk. Researchers demonstrate how milk ink can be used for 3D food printing via cold extrusion methods.