TECH & INNOVATIONPlanetary scientists and artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have collaborated on a machine learning tool that helped discover new craters on Mars - including small impacts left by a meteor about eight years ago.
Researchers have accomplished the high-precision measurement of a thorium isotope's nuclear transition - opening the possibilities for more accurate nuclear clocks.
The device outputs simple spikes, burst os spike, self-sustained oscillations, and other processes usually found in the brain using simple DC voltage as an input.
A study on the heart monitoring feature on the Apple Watch suggests that not everyone alerted might have actual heart problems, resulting in unnecessary visits to the doctor.
Millions around the world suffer from lung damage or are diagnosed with lung cancer. VIDA Diagnostics Inc. offers advanced AI-powered solutions for precise and efficient diagnosis and treatment solutions.
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) is forced to abort its mission again to launch a US spy satellite atop its powerful Delta IV Heavy Rocket, just a few seconds before lift-off on Wednesday, September 30.
Traditional biometric authentication only uses 2D imagine—increasing the chances of false acceptance or rejection of identity. Researchers develop a new system using photoacoustic tomography for more accurate 3D finger vein biometric authentication.
Google has just unveiled its new Chromecast streaming device, updating its previous products and now coming with a remote control, Wednesday, September 30.
BIQU, the Chinese company that manufactures 3D printer components, announced its own printer with the BIQU BX Direct Extruder FDM 3D printer - the lightest in its class.
Russia has reported that the astronauts onboard the International Space Station have found the air leak, with a senior official saying that the air loss is beyond expected levels.
The real-life ironman will wear jet suits to act as an air ambulance that will respond to emergencies in Lake District starting next summer after a successful test flight.