TECH & INNOVATIONIn this digital era, organizations must have powerful file transfer capabilities to streamline their business operations. With the help of these capabilities, companies can enhance the quality of relationships they share with the ecosystem's entities like customers, suppliers, and trading partners.
Cosmic 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' are spotted using NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory (Photo : Pixabay)A silhouette of a man sitting on a rock looking up into the sky A double star system or binary stars are two stars orbiting one common center mass.
Studies suggest that vapes are not as harmless as what the ads say. (Photo : Reuters) A man tests a vape as Juul brand vaping products are displayed at the Showroom vape shop in Jakarta, Indonesia February 17, 2020.
This is what we know so far on the effects of Covid-19 on your body. (Photo : China Daily via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS)A doctor disinfects a room for medical staff with sanitizing equipment at a community health service center, which has an isolated section to receive patients with mild symptoms caused by the novel coronavirus and suspected patients of the virus, in Qingshan district of Wuhan, Hubei province, China February 10, 2020.
Abe Levy was employee number 2 at Eterneva, an ashes to diamond startup based in Austin, Texas. He was brought on as their operations manager, and today runs their memorial diamond growth lab where he habitually grows diamonds from the carbon in someone's ashes as another memorial option for people.
Companies find high value in working on new and sophisticated applications with nearshoring firms that are close in proximity, time zones, language, and business cultu
Cryptocurrencies have been around for over 10 years now. During that time, they've grown into a huge talking point. But despite their growing popularity, there still seems to be a few common misconceptions about cryptocurrencies.
Emerging technologies slowly infiltrate into all industries, even the most traditional ones. Emerging technologies slowly infiltrate into all industries, even the most traditional ones.
According to a study, it was recorded that approximately 55 million Americans have been working outside the context of a full-time job and have been taking freelance work into consideration lately. It is calculated that if the freelance trend continues, half of America’s population will be busy doing that by 2027. Freelancing is considered as an alternative work situation, where people side hustles in their free time after their 9 to 5 job. There are many other terms to the alternative work situations that not only include a freelancer but a contractor, a telecommuter and more. They might be similar to some extent but withhold some of their own differences.
Open-source software, once a digital anomaly embraced by only the most progressive of organisations, is now a mainstream technical solution for companies around the world, powering everything from data management to content workflows.