TECH & INNOVATIONMaterial engineers at Iowa State University have developed a metal that changes when heated. It causes the smooth surface to become rougher and not a smooth surface. Having a liquid and solid-state depending on the temperature which can be used later on.
Discoveries in 2019, will have an effect on aspects of science that concern it. Learning more about them, will give more insight and understand these claims better. There will be bigger discoveries later, as science keeps on searching for new facts.
Differences between these computing types are night and day, both work differently compared to each other except that quantum computing needs more development compared to the other. Suffice it to say that quantum computing is the next level computing type in-waiting.
Robots are now in development and cars are robots as well, because they can drive themselves a bit. As AI gets more sophisticated they might not be mechanical helpers forever. With Asimov’s three laws of robotics, it might not be enough.
It goes without saying that fire is deadly. Whether it occurs in a natural or man-made setting, a fire that is allowed to spread out of control can injure, killed, and cause devastating property damage. Mitigating the risks of fire is the driving force behind fire alarms. We install fire alarms in residential and commercial structures so as to alert occupants that a fire has started. The faster the occupants are alerted, the more quickly they can take action. From a scientific standpoint, fire alarms are fairly simple devices. But the psychological impact they have on the occupants of burning structures is profound. As such, fire alarms are purposely designed to demand attention once they go off. You know yourself how difficult it is to ignore a sounding fire alarm.
Caltech researchers are developing AI that will hunt down troll posts, by learning how context is used. Artificial Intelligence now a tool to combat social media trolling, to shut them down more efficiently. The system GloVe is an update that will allow better tracking of context changes with keywords too.
This new year marks a new chapter for the agency as they try to achieve another giant leap for mankind. Earlier, NASA introduced the new spacesuits that will be worn by the astronauts that will embark on the Artemis mission.
Scientists can learn much about how nature designs its cooling systems that are hydrophobic and hydrophilic at the same time. Developing materials like this will hold my application from tech to others. Nature’s design is simple and when studied are the most efficient, compared to human designs.
Racial discrimination is a societal taboo but did you know that it is prevalent even in car technology and artificially intelligent technologies? As technology advances, this leads us to the question: is it really about morals or is racism just another IT algorithm?
For the first time, teleportation with quantum and data transfer using computers was achieved. These experiments are opening a chapter in quantum entanglement as well, that will change how computing is done.
Artificial Intelligence has been forming the foundation for the development of robots and modern machines. But, do we really know what it is or what it does?
Nobody can claim that they never dreamt of having the superpowers of their favorite superheroes. In at least one point of time, you wished to be able to fly, run fast, or be invisible. But did you know that you can, if you'll take time to understand the science behind it?