TECH & INNOVATIONDon't have the time to call your doctor or healthcare provider for an appointment reservation? Not a problem, you may just be a text away from your 3 pm consultation.
Tonight, President Obama will take the stage to give his annual State of the Union address before Congress and the rest of the country, laying out where we are and his agenda for the coming year. Among these will be proposals for new programs that could change the Internet as we know it.
A recent as last week, radio waves from a distant galaxy were detect by an Australian-based radio telescope. And just how far is "distant"―try around 5.5 billion light-years away.
Finding a hacker might not be too difficult these days. A new website called "Hackers List" is up and running, and is now trying to connect hackers with people who either need access to personal information, access to a database, or just want to mess with someone they don't like.
Elon Musk continues to dream big with his latest idea of bringing satellite Internet to every corner of the Earth, and then extending that net out into space to encompass Mars as well.
A sole grain of rice is anything but filling; it is, however, small. Now, imagine a laser producing electrode that size. It's like something straight out of a low-budget Sci-Fi film. But now it's a reality―a laser of equal size has been created by a few researchers at Princeton University, representing a "quantum" leap in future technology.
Old technology, ground breaking mission; NASA's New Horizon probe is encroaching on the "dwarf planet" Pluto with a data-logging 1996 PlayStation processor.
Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk has already gone on record discussing the potential risks of artificial intelligence, and now he is putting his money where his mouth is. The inventor and entrepreneur is donating $10 million to help fund research to "keep AI beneficial" to humanity and prevent it from going the way of Skynet from the Terminator franchise.
A new report published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication reveals the impact of iPhone separation on users, taking simple word-search puzzles as an indicator, and finding that being separated from one's phone turns out to cause both psychological and physiological ramifications.
A recent study published in the journal PNAS earlier this week, delved into how our "digital footprints" give our computers the upper-edge in understanding the person behind the screen. And what it found was that digital footprints, like a "like" or a share, may reveal more about the person than even what their closest friends would know.
Apple has long enjoyed a lead in the number of apps available for their iPhones and iPads compared to the other mobile leaders, Android and Amazon. However, times are changing and according to a new report from appFigures, the Google Play mobile market has surpassed Apple in two key areas - developer community growth and number of apps.
Who knew that children's pop-up books could provide so much knowledge. According to researchers, scientists can now make complex microscopic 3D shapes that model brain circuitry and blood vessels by mimicking classic children's pop-up books.
Leave it to Disney to create something both cute and kitschy that everyone wants to have—but not necessarily something that anyone would ever need. Their newest venture named “BeachBot” is perhaps the cutest turtle robot you’ve ever seen, and he’s likely the most artistic too.
The new deal between Mozilla, maker of the Firefox web browser and Yahoo have shifted Internet search usage with Yahoo seeing some of its biggest gains in years while Google slips slightly in its Internet Search dominance.