TECH & INNOVATIONA research study explores the potential of machine learning in predicting the survival rate of heart failure patients. Learn more about it in this article.
As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, industries worldwide are embracing the transformative power of distributed systems and big data analytics. These technologies serve as catalysts for growth, offering a unique advantage by enabling businesses to harness the potential of data in extraordinary ways. Esteemed expert in distributed systems and big data analytics, Dinesh Chitlangia, shares his insightful thoughts on their importance.
On October 21, 1600, over 400 years ago, a major turning point in history took place, ending the Civil War period and ushering in the era of peace. Yes, you are thinking right! I am talking about the great Sekigahara battle fought between East and West Japan. But that is not the only battle the Japanese have fought. Japan had an elite military class named samurai, just as the Ottomans had janissaries. Samurai called their sword "Katana."
In today's distributed work environments, collaboration can't be limited to occasional meetings. Teams need to work together continuously to solve problems, share ideas, and make decisions. However, coordinating across locations and time zones is challenging without the right tools. That's where employee communication software comes in.
Hafeez's foray into the world of robotics was seeded during his undergraduate years at Obafemi Awolowo University, where he worked on developing a project on a gesture-controlled motorized wheelchair. This early project was not just a foray into assistive technology for the physically impaired but also a stepping stone towards a career in robotics and inspiring the next generation of robotics engineers.
The diamond industry has a long and twisted history, with a dark side that remains hidden in plain sight. That's because these glittering symbols of love, wealth, and prestige often cover heinous acts, such as human rights abuses or environmental devastation. But you're probably aware of this harsh reality (at least partially).
Data visualization is an essential component of modern decision-making processes. It involves data representation in a visual format, allowing for easier understanding and analysis. As humans, our natural inclination towards information allows us to grasp concepts more effectively by utilizing visualizations. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a crucial role in data visualization, and it has the potential to enhance our ability to gain insights from data.
Data integrity plays a crucial role in data lifecycle management, especially in today's complex and dynamic landscape. Unauthorized access, modifications, data manipulations, and other security breaches are no longer limited to individuals but are also prevalent in organized entities. The study "An Evolutionary Strategy for Leveraging Data Risk-Based Software Development for Data Integrity," published in ISACA Journal, emphasizes the importance of data integrity and the risks associated with its compromise.
The burgeoning demand for digital content, spurred by the global shift towards online platforms for information, commerce, and social interaction, necessitates more efficient methods for content management and delivery. As user expectations for real-time, personalized interactions soar, conventional Content Management Systems (CMS) often fall short of providing the requisite agility and scalability.
As technology rapidly integrates into every facet of our lives, the lines between product management and cybersecurity are becoming increasingly blurred. A once siloed approach where product managers focused solely on functionality and user experience is no longer tenable. In the current landscape, product managers must also be attuned to the complexities of cybersecurity to ensure the safety of their products and the trust of their users.
Alternative investment funds encompass a broad range of investment vehicles and strategies outside of traditional avenues like stocks, bonds, and cash. These funds typically cater to high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors, offering them opportunities not readily available to the general public. Following the financial crisis, there was a noticeable uptick in the allure of alternative investments.
Everyone is talking about the Netflix political thriller TV series "The Diplomat," created by Debora Cahn. It premiered in April of 2023, and viewers were immediately drawn in by the show's tantalizing blend of political intrigue, personal conflicts, and behind-the-scenes diplomatic maneuvering.
Raw materials are necessary in industrial production, and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are no exception. Their significant characteristics, including high crystallization and strength, low density, biocompatibility, and biodegradability, necessitated their industry use. Consequently, CNCs are helpful in medicine, pharmacy, foodstuffs, and electronics.
A couple of years ago, a university in Moscow approached me with an invitation to design and teach a course to their students. They wanted a well-recognized and distinguished CFO to teach their students financial management or real estate development, but I believed other professors already covered those extensively. Instead, I decided to focus on addressing overlooked topics and uncomfortable conversations that not many professors want to have with their students. I wanted to talk to them about ethics and responsibility.
Shenzhou-16 astronauts succeed in growing lettuce and expand to tomatoes and onions in space, contributing to China's space program. Continue reading for more details.