Medicine & TechnologyAstronomers have finally found the reason why our galaxy, Milky Way, has flared edge. Continue reading to know why dark matter is behind it.
A team of 250 scientists in an abandoned gold mine in South Dakota constructed the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) dark matter detector. Continue reading to know more about the progress of the project.
For several years, the scientific consensus is that the dark mass in the middle of the Milky Way, designated Sagittarius A*, is a black hole - and a new study is challenging the widely-accepted notion.
Researchers have used the accuracy of optical clocks to close in on the mysterious components of dark matter, as well as the coupling between parts - particles and fields - postulated by the standard model of physics.
By plotting supermassive black holes from the distant universe, researchers have revealed the large-scale of the distant universe. Scientists say it's the first time such a technique has been used to map the cosmos.
New evidence shows that other part of galaxies also emits excessive radiation of gamma rays, not only dark matter, leaving the mystery remains unsolved.
New observations from ESO's Very Large Telescope have revealed that the outer parts of massive disc galaxies 10 billion years ago were rotating less quickly than the spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, that we see today. This ESOcast Light summarizes the important points of this discovery and the significance of the dark matter, and how it is distributed.