solar system

Solar System

Solar System Exploration To Be Conducted by Eight Teams

The agency is launching its newest venture into space. This time, they are looking at a solar exploration where they are to send space rovers in many parts of the solar system to collect data. Particularly, they will be sending spacecraft to the moon, Saturn and the red planet.
New planet in the Solar System found, Scientists are more than excited

The Solar System Could Welcome New Planet Called ‘DeeDee’

A lot of people are still hoping that a new planet will be found and scientists have not placed an end to the search. In fact, there are a number of scientists that support the idea that the Solar System goes far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

Organic Molecules Discovered in Young Star System

Astronomers have detected the presence of two molecules in the disc surrounding the star designated MWC 480, in a region that is similar to the Kuiper Belt around our Sun. The discovery of these building blocks of life in a young star shows that the conditions that create organic molecules can happen across the cosmos.
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