Present International Space Station inhabitant Matthias Maurer recently shared a 360-degree video that shows him performing some exercise on the treadmill, with the harness to guarantee that he does not flow away from the machine in the microgravity condition.
Details of sinuous young stellar jets were recently captured by the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager or GSAOI, a device on the 8.1-meter-diameter Gemini South telescope.
Curtin University revealed that the asteroid collisions responsible for numerous impact craters on the Martian surface were very consistent over the past 600 million years.
There will be significant changes in the temperature and animals heavily relying on the magnetic fields will be confused if the earth tops spinning in its orbit.
Earth-like planets are discovered near their parent or host stars, with searing temperatures; but they are also discovered far from their stars, more than 10 times further away than Jupiter is from our Sun.
Two more satellites were launched today in geosynchronous orbit, some 22,000 miles away from Earth, as part of the Space Force's effort for increased Space Domain Awareness, or SDA.