Medicine & TechnologyMicroplastics are practically everywhere, even in the bottled water that you drink. This calls for more awareness on the issue of plastics in the environment.
Finally, a new filtration process that does not cost much to operate. The next step for the silicon polymer material device is to evaluate its reaction with salts and other strained particles.
There is a different commercial purification system available in the market which was expensive as well as the waste of money, electricity etc. So the chemists from Australian national university developed a unique purification system to treat wastewater by using natural sunlight by using natural sunlight.
Mars meteorite dating from about 4.5 billion years ago, an ancient ocean there would have covered 19 percent of the planet's surface.Martian meteorites may provide clues to ancient abundance of water
"Millions of people are relying on healthy coral reefs for food, income, and cultural value." She pertains to the benefits of having bacterial-less coral reefs in order to maintain an abundance with people's lives.