Three-Fingered 'Alien Mummy' Shares Interesting Similarities and Differences With Humans, New Study Reveals

Though the scientific community has generally dismissed the three-fingered "alien mummies" that were found in Peru, a new study suggests that they may carry scientific value.

The new study focused on "Maria," one of the humanoids, and discovered that it had various biological similarities as well as anatomical, structural, and morphological differences with humans.

Three-Fingered Alien Mummy

Maria, or M01, was among the six mummies that were discovered in a Nazca tomb back in 2017. The city of Nazca is situated in southern Peru. The discovery also included four other males and a nine-month-old child.

Jaime Maussan, a ufologist, and journalist, discovered the mummies and brought several of them before the Congress of Mexico. Maussan had been claiming that these humanoids were actually aliens that used to roam around the Earth.

Though Maussan firmly believes in his claims, experts strongly believe that these humanoids are just manipulated dolls.

A year after the discovery was revealed, scientists determined from at least four independent DNA sample analysis and other materials of the mummies that these humanoids were actually pre-Columbian mummies that were modified.

Similarities and Differences With Humans

As for the latest study, it covered imaging analysis on Maria. The bones of Maria were seen to smoothly flow under its mummified casing. This was in a manner that could be observed across the entire human body.

Its elongated skull also did not reveal any signs of artificial cranial deformation.

The researchers were also able to date the mummy to between 240 A.D. and 383 A.D. This shows that it used to coexist with the ancient civilization of Nazca.

The team worked on a magnification examination that enabled them to look inside and see that the mummy did not have external ears or hair. The mummy apparently just had ear canal openings.

Findings were noted in the "Biometric Morpho-Anatomical Characterization and Dating of The Antiquity of A Tridactyl Humanoid Specimen: Regarding The Case of Nasca-Peru" study.

The researchers explained that the skull's most notable feature was its significant elongation, which did not have any external evidence of cranial compression.

The cranial vault of the mummy appears to depict odd development and growth. It shares a similarity with a dolichocephalic phenotype.

On top of this, the cranial volume was also found to be 20% larger compared to a normal human. Internal creature scans also showed that the mummy had bulging eyes and protruding lower and upper jaws.

However, the humanoid body's most unusual and striking features can be spotted in its feet and hands. The bone width in the wrist palm and the base part of the trio of fingers had a smooth and uniform transition. The team said that this could make the hands look as wide as a human's, though they could be eight inches longer.

Each of the hand's fingers also had four phalanges. This is unlike the three ones that can be found in a typical human.

As for its feet, the bones smoothly flower to three toes. These had a similar width to that of a human foot, though they were elongated to a length of nine inches.

The study also noted that four phalanges were seen on each toe. For humans, there are usually just three phalanges in a toe.

In comparison to the typical human foot, the calcaneus bone of Maria had a different structure and shape. Usually, the calcaneus bones of humans have a massive bump at the back that aids in supporting the weight of the body and keeping balance when standing over two feet.

However, Maria lacks a big bump, which posits that the humanoid may have walked while hunching over in order to maintain stability.

The analysis also showed that Maria has arthritis in the feet and hands and has also had spinal damage.

Overall, based on superficial tomographic and morphological imaging analysis, the M01 specimen is a desiccate humanoid body that has a biological architecture that is similar to humans. However, it still shows various structural, anatomical, and morphological differences.

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